Foolproof Fan and Light Chain Pull Set
This should be the default chain pulls on ceiling fan/light combo units from now on, fact!
How many times have you pulled the wrong chain when trying to turn on a fan or a light? A lot, right? It doesn’t even have to be in someone else’s house. It’s not something that only happens to drunk people. You can be stone cold sober in a house you’ve lived in for years and still pull the wrong chain. It’s a super common mistake and it’s totally unnecessary!
Add up all the seconds wasted on this dumb mistake. It’s probably like a solid fifteen minutes of your life you’ll never get back! Your time is too precious for that. Hook yourself up with this set of chain pulls that has extremely obvious indicators of which chain performs which function.
You can thank us later.
[Find more cheat codes for existence in drunkMall’s Life Hacks for Sale gift guide!]