Black Swan Pool Float
Not everyone wants to float around the pool on a unicorn or a cockroach or a piece of pizza or a personal island with its own canopy or an ice cream sandwich or Kim Kardashian's ass or a floating hammock…
Not everyone wants to float around the pool on a unicorn or a cockroach or a piece of pizza or a personal island with its own canopy or an ice cream sandwich or Kim Kardashian's ass or a floating hammock…
Now that's a big cockroach! Laying out in the sun at the pool all day seems totally glamorous. And maybe it is. But if there's one thing John Waters has taught us about glam, it's that glam and trash are purely…
National Doughnut Day was last week, which is pretty cute as far as made-up holidays go. Like this isn't America all of the sudden? This country RUNS on doughnuts, people! You want to know how important doughnuts are? Go type…
You ever think about how many different types of bags there are in the world? Well you're about to because that's what we decided to do this week - scour the Internet for all the different kinds of notable bags…
Hammocks in water are so much better than hammocks on land. Look, if you enjoy more than, say, 13 alcoholic beverages on an average day then a hammock strung up between two trees or whatever is not your friend. You…
It's a good thing Kim Kardashian's ass never did break the Internet because if that had happened then you'd probably never find out about this pool float. That's right. Like a fame groupie's dream come to life, you can now…
You better be ready to get wet! Whatever else is going on in your world, good or bad, doesn't matter to the weather. When the sun comes out to play, you gotta forget all that other business and start figuring…
It's never been easier or more affordable to own a private island all to yourself! Okay, fine, you're gonna make use break this one down. We're ready for it. Your private island fantasies were probably a lot bigger than this.…
Float around the pool on a floaty that looks like a giant ice cream sandwich! This is the closest you'll ever be able to get to living that super weird dream of floating around on a real ice cream sandwich!…
Stand out in the pool like the mythical creature you are with a unicorn float! Wait, did we say unicorn float? We meant GIANT unicorn float! This thing is huge! Measuring 8 feet long, you might think you need someone…
This pool float is FAAAABULOUS! Everyone makes such a big deal out of the goose that laid the golden egg, nobody ever asks what hatched from the egg. Maybe it was a golden swan! Okay, but that's all fairy tale…
Whether you're chilling in the solar-powered kiddie pool jacuzzi out front of the double wide or snuck into a local motel's outdoor swimming pool, having a floating pink flamingo cup holder is pretty obviously the classy move. Hold your own beverage…