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Inspirational John Wayne Coffee Cup

Inspirational John Wayne Coffee Cup


It’s that time of day when a person needs to take a moment to gather their thoughts, saddle up their spirit for the day ahead and reflect on what you’ll need to do and what it’ll take to get done.

It’s that time of day when you need caffeine and some inspiration from one of the toughest sons of bitches to grace the silver screens of American cinemas.

You know we’re talking about John Wayne right now.

The outside of this coffee mug has a good photo of John Wayne’s profile, look tough, as per usual. The words AMERICAN LEGEND are printed on the cup over a facsimile of John Wayne’s autograph.

But the real kicker is just for you, on the inside of the cup: a quote reading, “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”

Those words are just for you, partner.

Ride hard.

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