Dachsund Ice Cube Tray
Hot dog? In this weather?!
You must be out of your mind!
A “hot” anything is not what the doctor ordered for the summer of 2017, people. We need to cool it on down, lil doggies!
Cool doggies… Cold dogs… Ice cold dogs!
Dachshund shaped ice cubes are just the thing, y’all. Because dogs are man’s best friend, right? Well if someone was your best friend in 100 degree weather then you’d expect them to bring you something to help bring that internal temperature down a few degrees.
This silicone tray lets you make perfect wiener dog ice cubes for your glass or the glasses of guests. Wonderful for cocktail parties or just a nice cold glass of spiked lemonade when you come in from mowing the lawn.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be for a grown up party. Kids get a kick out of these puppy cubes, too!