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Pushpin Sheep

Pushpin Sheep

Ewe know you can’t resist this cleverly designed pushpin set!

Keeping notes around is important. If you can’t remember all the things you need to keep in mind then you might as well be counting sheep at your desk – and this ain’t nap time, people!

Pins at the office are like socks in the dryer. No matter what you do, they always seem to somehow disappear. One thing you can do to keep your pins around is make sure they’re unique. It’s even better if the pins are fun to put back where they belong. You know, like if having the pins in place creates the effect of wool on a sheep?

That’s what this set does! Keep the sheep pincushion on your desk and you’ll be able to pluck a “clump of wool” off the back to pin up a note when you need!

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