Five Pound Bag of Gummy Bears
Oh you know that’s right!
FIVE POUNDS of gummy bears!
Right off the bat, these are not the famous sugar-free gummy bears of death. These are 100% Haribo, Grade A, primo stuff – that good good!
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about a five pound bag of gummy bears and why it is the perfect symbol of the freedom that comes with being a single adult. (Singles Awareness Day countdown, what up!)
It’s super simple: single adults get to make their own decisions. Right about now, 3,000 of y’all are getting ready to leave us some TL;DR comments about how you can be in a relationship and still make your own decisions.
Yeah. Whatever.
It’s the sideways glances that do it. Like, a person should be able to spend a Sunday night on the couch, watching TV and eating gummy bears out of a five pound bag (even if it is a so-called “holiday”) without catching all that side eye…