Basketball Shots Drinking Game
“He’s on fire!”
So you think you got game?
Get ready to back up the talk by walkin’ the walk straight to the hoop with the basketball shots drinking game!
The game is simple: you drain a basket, your opponent drains a shot glass!
The game set comes with everything you need to play the game except for the booze. Six shot glasses (made from real glass), the game board, launcher and goal (hard plastic), as well as the rubber basketball. Don’t worry about losing the ball – it’s attached to the goalpost with a little string.
If you play a lot of drinking games, you’ll know that some drinking games heavily favor the person who takes the early lead. This is very much that type of game.
Sink some early shots for a strong advantage!
[Make sure to read drunkMall’s Best Drinking Games Ever gift guide for more great drinking games!]