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Geometric Sweatshirt

Geometric Sweatshirt

Most geometry teachers are boring as fuck. But most geometry teachers have never smoked DMT in the living room of a drug dealer binge-watching Neil deGrasse Tyson's Cosmos series on Netflix. We're not advocating the use of illegal drugs, here. If…

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Columbo Sweater

Columbo Sweater

Forget Sherlock Holmes. (Sorry, tumblr.) Columbo is the greatest detective in fiction. Rather than walk around showing off a superhuman intellect and talent for deductive reason, right there for everyone to see, Columbo always kept it close to the vest. And…

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Howbow Dah Girl Sweater

Howbow Dah Girl Sweater

Cash yourself without a dope sweater to wear in cold winter weather? Howbow no! This ill-mannered, bad tempered young lady has gone viral around the world for the sullen attitude and honestly really weird way of speaking that she put…

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Cigarette Butts Sweater

Cigarette Butts Sweater

If you're wondering whether or not this sweatshirt is what's considered fashionable these days, you can stop wondering because young adults will wear the shit out of this. Why? Are you serious? Have you been paying attention to fashion even…

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Just a Cute Sweater

Just a Cute Sweater

You read it right, kids. Nothing wacky, crazy, zany, unbelievable, life-changing or wackadoodle here at all. It's literally just a cute sweater. But, like, it's a really cute sweater, tho. Like it would be difficult to not look adorable in…

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Top 20 Drunk Buys of 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Top 20 Drunk Buys of 2016

This is the main event, people! 2016 was the first full year that drunkMall was in operation. (Of course, that didn't stop us from doing a Top Ten Drunk Buys of 2015, based on only a few months of info.)…

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Salt Bae Hoodie

Salt Bae Hoodie

Finishing touches are so important. Much like salting perfectly sliced meat with a little flamboyant flair can be the difference between an average piece of video content and overnight viral stardom, a great hoodie can set an otherwise nice outfit…

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Procrastination Sweater

Procrastination Sweater

Why put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the next day or even the day after that? With one added word, the most famous motivational tagline of all time becomes the fashion statement that needed to be…

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Merry Crustmas Sweater

Merry Crustmas Sweater

Yeah, Christmas is cool. But have you ever had pizza?! Pizza is so real. Pizza should have its own holiday! There's plenty of Christmas to go around - why not slice out a piece of the day to give pizza…

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Tuxedo Hoodie

Tuxedo Hoodie

The tuxedo tee shirt is classic, a total standby. You don't have to be a slave to the look, though. No need to suffer the harsh elements because you feel like rocking your retro flavor all over town... They got…

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Nutella Sweater

Nutella Sweater

Spread the style on extra thick with a new Nutella sweatshirt! drunkMall doesn't really go in for that whole "ugly Christmas sweater" trend. We vastly prefer extremely awesome sweaters that are very cool but most people are just too scared…

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