Coffee Slut Mug
Caffeine addiction is no laughing matter.
It usually starts with a little pot.
You know, peer pressure. A typical scene: some friends are sharing a joint of the pot and they find out you’ve never toked a smoke before. Next thing you know everyone’s joshing you around and pushing the reefer into your hands. So you give in and have a puff.
Next thing you know, every morning for the rest of your life is spent sipping that black sludge to get that morning hit of caffeine. That’s why they call marijuana a gateway drug.
It’s the first step on the dark path to becoming a genuine coffee slut. Because you’ve got to have it every day. And you’ll do anything to get it.
Just, be safe out there, okay?
No sharing coffee mugs with other users.
Use your own mug and be sure to clean it before every use to minimize risk of infection.