Abraham Lincoln Internet Quote Poster
Apparently there’s a big fake news problem all over the Internet (and particularly The United States of America) right now.
As usual, most of these problems could be avoided if everyone simply remembered to look back on history for some sage wisdom and wise perspective. Specifically, one of the greatest American Presidents ever: Mr. Abraham Lincoln.
drunkMall posts a lot of Honest Abe-related things because he was such an inspiring leader. When it comes to the intricacies of online culture, there’s no better person to look to for advice.
Long before all of these technological advances brought us to this level of connectivity, people were warned not to believe everything they read. Now that the Internet allows us to create #content so easily (and Photoshop lets us throw something that looks like evidence right next to it), it’s getting more difficult for people to apply a healthy dose of skepticism to their daily browsing.
This ends now!
Grab one of these posters for your computer area.
Actually, grab twenty and give them to everyone you know!