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Naked Grandma Phone Case

Naked Grandma Phone Case

Pink is not dead.

Neither is punk and neither are grandmas.

Well, some grandmas are dead. But the concept of grandmas is as alive as ever. Aliver, even! Golden Girls is so hot right now – and, honestly, grandmas these days were around for punk rock when it was the real shit, not whatever fake dumb shit you like these days.

So there’s probably at least one dope ass grannie out there who has a picture of herself butt fucking naked in sunglasses, crouched down in a prison pose and declaring that pink isn’t dead with a pink hue Instagram-filtered over the whole thing.

And if there isn’t, guess what, there totally is because we found this really weird phone case that is exactly that.

Don’t need a phone case?

Not a problem. This was found on Society 6, so the design is available on a bunch of other products. Check it out. Get some pink punk grandma in your life.

[Hit up the punkMall Gift Guide for more stuff like this!]

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