Hannibal Cookbook
There’s almost definitely something wrong with you if the show Hannibal makes you hungry.
On the other hand, the show does have a subtle sense of dark humor running through it and the idea of a cookbook based on recipes the world’s most famous fictional cannibal might have prepared is actually funny as hell. You know, just don’t use people parts for the protein…
Fans of the show know that Hannibal Lecter wasn’t in his kitchen following along to casserole recipes on food television shows.
The man is a gourmand.
As such, the recipes found in this book (which was created by the show’s food stylist) are not beginner level stuff. However, even if your cooking skills are stuck at reading the box to find out how long the food should be microwaved, the book is also full of behind-the-scenes photos and anecdotes from the show!
Bone apple teeth!