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“Huevos” Rancheros mold

“Huevos” Rancheros mold

Huevos rancheros is perhaps the greatest breakfast meal ever. Like, it’s 3:30am as this post is being written and it will be a miracle if we get through it without going to the kitchen and whipping up some huevos rancheros.

If you aren’t aware, huevos is Spanish for “eggs.” [Editor’s note: also sometimes a slang term for testicles.] So huevos rancheros just means “rancher’s eggs” because that’s what they used to eat on Mexican farms. That is, on top of a lightly fried tortilla and topped with salsa. Make sure you’ve got that El Yucateco ready!

Here’s something you probably don’t know, huevos divorciados are the same thing but with a different sauce for each egg.

Whether you like your huevos over-easy or over-hard, we’ve got just the tool for you.

[Do you love practical jokes? Jump over to our Prankster’s Paradise gift guide now!]

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