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Bacon Playing Cards

Bacon Playing Cards

People make the bacon in many different ways!

Some folks got jobs, some folks start businesses and, believe it or not, some people are professional gamblers. You probably won’t find any of those pro card sharks using a set of bacon-shaped playing cards but they’ll do just fine for game nights at home.

Planning a bacon themed party? That’s an awesome idea, we’ll take an invite and these cards will work perfectly for the occasion. (That picture isn’t the best but the cards look way better in person.)

You should think about something before you send out theĀ invitations, though…

Those bacon foods are greasy and you don’t want to get your cards all sticky. Trongs are like little tongs for your fingertips, so you can slide ’em on and eat all the sloppy food you want without getting those meat juices all over your fingers and everything else you touch.

Game on!

[Find more edible and non-edible bacon products in the Baconfest 2017 Gift Guide!]

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