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No Drama Pizza Shirt

No Drama Pizza Shirt

When it comes to pizza, always say yes.

When it comes to drama, always say no.

That’s it.

Nothing else needs to be said about this shirt but if we don’t type some more shit here then Google will think we aren’t a legitimate website and won’t show it to you in search results.


Yeah, we’re still talking about the shirt.

There’s a picture up there. You probably saw that. It’s the first thing in this post about a pizza shirt.

Actually, you probably got here by seeing that picture on drunkMall’s Facebook or Twitter or Instagram profiles, which are all MOST excellent and worthy of follow if you like this shirt. Because we post things like this regularly. There’s even a tag you can browse on this site for more shirts or more items related to pizza!

[If you like this post, you should check out drunkMall’s Ultimate Pizza Party Swag List!]

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