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Bacon Suit

Bacon Suit

Girlfriend’s dog doesn’t like you?

Try wearing this suit over to her place one time.

No promises or anything but have you ever seen a dog that didn’t have a deep respect for a plate of bacon? Well that’s exactly what this suit makes you look like.

Oh yeah, you can believe your eyes on this one, folks!

Your brain might not want to accept what it’s seeing at first but rub the sleep out – cuz it’s bacon!

The ridiculous pattern aside, you should also be sure to check out that crazy wide collar! That’s a disco collar, baby!

That’s right, this is an ultimate party suit for one wild and crazy guy, people. Recommended for dads across America and pretty much anyone who works in the pork industry in any capacity at all.

[Find more edible and non-edible bacon products in the Baconfest 2017 Gift Guide!]

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