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Geometric Sweatshirt

Geometric Sweatshirt

Most geometry teachers are boring as fuck.

But most geometry teachers have never smoked DMT in the living room of a drug dealer binge-watching Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos series on Netflix. We’re not advocating the use of illegal drugs, here. If you’ve seen some shit then you’ve seen some shit – that’s all we’re saying.

For everyone who’s ever been to other planets made of crystal geometries (or wanted to visit them) this sweater may be of interest to you. We found it from our friends over at Beloved and they’ve got it available in regular shirts and tank tops as well but we like the long sleeves because that means more space for more shapes in the design!

You can still get a few weeks of wearing this in before the weather changes – do it!

[Of course, if this isn’t your style then you may want to see drunkMall’s Not So Ugly Christmas Sweater gift guide for some more options that are out there!]

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