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Giant Golden Swan Pool Float

Giant Golden Swan Pool Float

This pool float is FAAAABULOUS!

Everyone makes such a big deal out of the goose that laid the golden egg, nobody ever asks what hatched from the egg. Maybe it was a golden swan!

Okay, but that’s all fairy tale BS and this golden swan is very real.

It’s quite large, as far as bird-shaped pool floats go, and the golden color is fit for any summertime queen (or king) lounging around a pool in the sun. In fact, it can easily hold two adults at a time and there are even some nice little handles on the sides of its neck.

The only thing it’s missing is a cupholder. Fortunately, you can buy a floating pink flamingo cupholder separately! Is that tacky, mixing two birds of different species and colors? You bet your sweet ass it is!

[Look at more “fun in the sun” ideas on drunkMall’s Pool Party gift guide!]

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