Trolley Bags
If you’re still bringing your groceries home in plastic bags, with everything we know about the effect that has on this planet, well, congratulations on your immunity to judgement from people who smell like patchouli.
But, okay, this isn’t even really about that.
When you get home with thirty bags of groceries in plastic bags, what do you do?
You probably try to get them all inside in as few trips as possible, right?
So then you’re carrying 15 bags in each hand with the thin plastic handles biting in to your fingers and yadda yadda yadda…
It’s not necessary.
These trolley bags are made specifically to solve these problems, in fact.
Place them inside your shopping cart (what the rest of the world calls a “trolley”) and the rods keep each bag upright, open and separated for different objects. When you get out to the car, just close the bags up and you’re ready to go!
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