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People I Want to Punch in the Face notebook

People I Want to Punch in the Face notebook

Oh, buddy…

This notebook is perfect for anyone who keeps a journal because that’s all a journal usually ends up being, a list of people you’d like to punch in the face, the reasons why you want to punch them in the face and exactly how hard you want to punch them in the face.

The only thing wrong with it is the title should be in a way bigger font so people who see you writing in public won’t stop and ask, “Whatcha writin’?”

With 130 blank, lined pages and a paperback cover, it’s a conveniently sized booklet that you can keep in your laptop case or backpack for emergency situations. We find it particularly effective in coffeeshops. When someone asks a stupid question, we just ignore them and conspicuously reach into our bag to make a new entry in our special little notebook.

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