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Glowing Constellations Top

Glowing Constellations Top

The stars have aligned and brought fortune upon you this day because you’re lucky enough to be alive in the day and age of glow in the dark clothing technology!

Also science is good. People get to live longer now because of science stuff. Plus it’s really cool how when the super smart science folks at the top figure something out, some of that knowledge drips down in simplified form to the rest of us dumb dumbs down in normal land.

Outer space is cool, too. (Screw it, we’re just listing neat things at this point.)

Science and space and history have all come together in perfect alignment in order for this item of clothing to exist!

The fabric is patterned with real constellations. As glow-in-the-dark things often do, this thing glows in the dark! It’s technically a sweater but the 3/4 length sleeves and wide cowl neck make it a little breezier to wear.

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