Larry David Coasters
It’s an important question in life and, as usual, nobody is prepared to ask it as directly and often as Mr. Larry David: do you respect wood?
Everyone with a fondness for (and respect of) high quality wooden furniture knows the constant anxiety that comes along with new visitors to their home or office when hot or cold beverages are being served. Obviously you own coasters and have placed them in a conspicuously convenient place near the wooden surface where you would like guest to employ use of those coasters.
But the question is always, is this newcomer civilized enough to actually use the damned coaster?!
And you don’t want to come off as some sort of neurotic worrier by pointing out that there are coasters before the person has been given a chance to prove for themselves that they are perfectly capable of knowing when a coaster is needed. So there’s that torturous moment of watching… waiting…
Let LD handle it!
The eye-catching design on the surface of these square coasters asks the question for you!