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Dorm Chair

Dorm Chair

College is pretty much the last period of any adult’s life when they can get away with owning a bean bag, so you should go all out if you’re gonna have one.

Dorm rooms are small, so you can’t go with one of these inordinately large memory foam “bean” bags. (They aren’t filled with beans anymore. That shit was a nightmare. Little white pellets everywhere.)

These beanbag armchairs are compact enough to fit in a standard dorm while still offering the comforts of a typical armchair!

Check the side and you’ll find a convenient pocket, say for a remote control or a charging phone, as well as a drinkholder with elastic bands to hold your bevvy firmly in place in the chaotic environment of college dorms. (It’s like the movies, right? Of course it is.)

[Find more stuff like this on drunkMall’s Back to School gift guide!]

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