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Vintage Boyz II Men Shirt

Vintage Boyz II Men Shirt

Seems like people wanna try and forget about Boyz II Men or some shit these days. Which is pure foolishness because half the people reading this wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for B2M. Just look at your fucking dad. You think…

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Start practicing your "oi" now - the punk shelf of your closet needs some freshening up! Save all the talk about who or what is and isn't "punk" because that's not what this is about. (Seriously? Look at the website…

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Chile Nelson Bottle Sleeve

Chile Nelson Bottle Sleeve

Protect the precious contents of your glass bottles with a spicy but chill bit of cloth insulation! Foodiggity's "Freaker" bottle sleeves are one-size-fits-all pieces made of stretchy fabric meant to slide over the body of your (presumably booze-filled) bottles. It…

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Rock Star Skull Shirt

Rock Star Skull Shirt

Listen, if your rock stars don't have songs about death then you need to find some new rock stars, got it? Death and rock music go together like sex and rock music or drugs and rock music. In fact, we…

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Biggie Blacklight Poster

Biggie Blacklight Poster

Blacklights and posters specifically made to look cool under blacklights are just not a thing like they used to be a thing. Please believe that this used to be a T-H-I-N-G! Like, if you could go back to the early…

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Wireless Headphones Receiver

Wireless Headphones Receiver

You don't have to spring for expensive wireless headphones! Podo Labs is about to release JACK, which is a small device that makes any headphone wireless. The little clip-on unit has a bluetooth receiver. You simply plug your regular headphones'…

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Vintage Anti-Fascist Songs

Vintage Anti-Fascist Songs

In the year 2017, a new type of Nazi guy got punched in America twice in one day. As you would expect, this caused quite a fuss. Most people with Internet access seemed to be extremely entertained about this Nazi punching…

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Wrong Lyrics Tumbler

Wrong Lyrics Tumbler

Is there a greater pleasure in this world than drunkenly belting out the lyrics to an awesome song with all your friends? There's certainly nothing funnier than finding out you or a friend has been singing the wrong lyrics to…

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Fetal Sound System

Fetal Sound System

This is a speaker that goes inside the vagina of a pregnant woman so her fetus can listen to and hopefully enjoy music or guided meditation sounds or recordings of whales or whatever other things you think a developing human…

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5-Way Headphone Splitter

5-Way Headphone Splitter

You can watch movies/shows or listen to music on the go with your crew of friends without being incredibly annoying to everyone else around - just use this headphone splitter! School trips, road trips, flights, vacations, UFO-spotting missions in Joshua…

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How to Play Star Wars Music on the Recorder

How to Play Star Wars Music on the Recorder

It's some of the most famous music ever written in this or any other galaxy and you can learn to play it yourself! ...on a recorder! You remember recorders. It's that musical instrument that's, like, not really a flute but…

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